Referral Program

The 123LiveStore Referral Program is powered by 'The H.I.P. System'

Why a Referral Program?

Like any business, in order to promote our brand and product, we have to either spend a small fortune upfront on advertising across multiple channels to drive brand awareness and traffic or adopt a different approach that requires no upfront cost, and that is precisely what referral marketing offers.

Instead of spending upfront on paid advertising, we decided to implement a simple and powerful referral program, where we allocate a portion of every subscription towards rewarding customers who successfully refer new customers. Rewards are generous and lucrative and are calculated according to 'The H.I.P. System'.

*** NOTE: Participation in the Referral Program is free for all subscribers and totally optional.

The H.I.P. System

[ The Horizontal Infinity Payout System ]
The H.I.P. System
■ The H.I.P. System is a single-level system (NOT multi-level)
■ Every subscriber’s primary objective is to refer 4 new subscribers (but there's no limit)
■ The first 2 referrals are passed up to your upline
■ The 3rd and subsequent referrals remain under your network

And that’s all there is to this simple & powerful system!

The H.I.P. System Pays 3 Bonuses


The Transfer Bonus = $100 and is paid for the first 2 subscribers directly referred by you


The Direct Bonus = $200 and is paid for the 3rd and subsequent subscribers directly referred by you


The 365-Daily Bonus = $0.50/day for 365 days and is paid for every subscriber passed up to you
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